Our fluorescent neon yellow is highly visible each with your message to identify a dog that doesn't like other dogs and/or people and will indicate for other dog owners to recall their dog away from yours.
Training In Progress - Neon Yellow Dog Lead Training In Progress - Neon Yellow...
MUZZLED FOR MEDICAL REASONS Epileptic with severe allergies - Fluorescent Neon Yellow Dog Coat Jacket fluorescent yellow dog coat professionally printed for durability and highly visible from a long distance. Available in 5 sizes for all breeds. Available in a light weight breathable coat ideal for summer months. MUZZLED FOR MEDICAL REASONS Epileptic...
I'm big & stupid but very friendly in training - Fluorescent Neon Yellow Dog Coat Jacket fluorescent yellow dog coat professionally printed for durability and highly visible from a long distance. Available in 5 sizes for all breeds. Available in a light weight breathable coat ideal for summer months. I'm big & stupid but very...